The Arbor Software Platform can be used for the following applications:
As an organization you are looking for the engagement of your stakeholder, public and people. All people, accessible to anyone, anywhere.
Web Publishing-VOD
A video-on-Demand portal is more than just an audio or video file available for online play back.
Conference Recording
Stabile, structured and robust (24/7) recording.
Create a high-quality Preservation Master without additional effort!
The time consuming creation of verbatim reports for the record, can be speeded up!
Compliance Recording
Compliance Recording is the most popular use of our robust recording software by Broadcasters.
In-House Publishing
Publish clips from your meetings, sessions or hearings for In-house purposes.
Broadcast Monitoring
Navigate, search and watch any channel from any point in time.
Content Repurposing
Multi-channel marketing is the core of Content Strategy